Introvert with Ai

Today, I saw a meme.

“What’s a meme?”

This is a meme:

“Ok. What does it mean?”

Well, meme is a shortened version of the word ‘mimetic’

‘mimetic’ means ‘acting like a mime’.

Mimes are known for copying the behavior of things in their environment.

One Cactus and one Mime Acting Like a Cactus
A cactus, and a mime who is pretending to be a cactus – Image Credit: Recraft V3 Ai

“No. What does the introvert meme mean?”

Well, to me, the meme illustrates that a single individual is 3x more capable than ever before, thanks to Ai.

‘But, how does Ai make one person 3x more capable?’

Again, for me, Ai is a tool I use when I want to process a lot of information, relatively quickly.

As an example, I recently attended a 90-minute presentation.

I audio recorded the presentation, and generated an Ai text transcription from the audio.

The total length of the 90-minute transcript was 17,344 words.

For comparison, that means our text transcript is longer than The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, and Shakespeare’s play, ‘Macbeth’.

Our 90-minute text transcript contains 17,344 words – exceeding the length of all of these documents.

I fed that relatively-large amount of transcription text to an Ai tool called Claude Sonnet 3.5 and I asked the Ai to summarize the 90-minute meeting for me.

The resulting summary from the Ai was full of insights & specific information from that presentation, to which I now have instant access, via that Ai summary.

‘So, how does that help you?

By utilizing an Ai to handle the labor-intensive tasks of transcribing & analyzing, I’m able to spend my time doing other more-relevant things.

Technically, the task of ‘transcribing’ and ‘analyzing’ and ‘typing’ are all quite time consuming for humans to do, but Ai can do them very fast.

Previously, before 2020-ish (roughly the onset of these Ai tools), I would never have considered transcribing a 90-minute meeting.

And, even if I had, I certainly wouldn’t have ever wanted to re-read the whole transcript myself, in order to create a summary of ‘what I learned’.

But the game changes completely when we bring in Ai.

“Cool. Ai sounds useful for you.”

It is, and here’s an example using my own personal website,

In the six-year period between 2017 until mid 2023, I wrote 33 articles, and none of them utilized Ai in any way.

During mid-2023, I noticed that Ai was getting good enough to help me with just about anything.

Thus, across an 18-month period, from mid-2023 until January 2025, I produced 55 articles, and every article utilized multiple kinds of Ais.

Unrelated to Ai: note the output spike during the lockdown of 2020

Even though this data is anecdotal, and based entirely on one website’s output, the data does align with the meme; someone with Ai is 3x more capable.

Before Ai tools, I wrote 1 article every 2 months.

With Ai tools, I write 6 articles every 2 months.

I can do more than ever before, because I utilize Ai.

Here’s a few other articles about Ai which might be interesting;

What is Poe Ai?

Recraft AI – An Image-Creation Machine

Text to Video AI with Poe


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